Upgrade from 1.9 to 1.10
when an non-existing listener is removed from an EventList, no exception is thrown anymore, the old behavior can be restored by setting the system property: -Dglazedlists.compat.nonexistent_listener_check
the following classes have been moved to exported packages for better OSGI integration:
ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.SerializedReadWriteLock --> ca.odell.glazedlists.util.concurrent.SerializedReadWriteLock (in fact, the old class has been preserved for backward serialization compatibility)
ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.java15.J2SE50LockFactory --> ca.odell.glazedlists.util.concurrent.J2SE50LockFactory
obsolete/outdated lock support classes have been removed:
moved ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.SyncListener to ca.odell.glazedlists.SyncListener
SyncListener now has a dispose method
GlazedLists#syncEventListToList now returns ca.odell.glazedlists.SyncListener
changed signature from ca.odell.glazedlists.ObservableElementList$Connector#setObservableElementList(ObservableElementList)
to ca.odell.glazedlists.ObservableElementList$Connector#setObservableElementList(ObservableElementChangeHandler)
ObservableElementList now implements ObservableElementChangeHandler
upgraded to SwingX 1.6.x, SwingX 1.0.x support has been removed
EventJXTableModel is now deprecated, instead use JXTableSupport
JXTableSupport has been changed to choose an appropriate event conversion strategy depending on the value of the "fillsViewportHeight" table property
if it's "true" then a ListEvent is always converted to one TableModelEvent
if it's "false" then the default event conversion is used (each ListEvent block is converted to one TableModelEvent)
see GLAZEDLISTS-562 for the motivation of this change
JXTableSupport does not reset the default table header renderer to the result of "new JTableHeader().getDefaultRenderer()" anymore, this simplifies the usage of a custom header renderer
migrated from JUnit 3 to JUnit 4
upgraded Hibernate extension from Hibernate 3.x to Hibernate 5.0.x, because of Hibernate package changes, Hibernate 3 and 4 ist not supported anymore
dropped Java 1.5 support, Java 1.6 is the minimum requirement